This is me...

Hey there! So glad you landed upon my little blog spot on earth! I'm trying to keep it real and hold myself accountable and figured venturing out into the public just might do the trick! So follow me...I can only promise that I will be honest, brutally honest most of the if you don't like that, then move on! And if you choose to stay...glad you found me! Join me on the adventure of my's the NEXT forty years of my life...if the first forty is any indication of the next...well, it will be interesting to say the least...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Forty is Going To Be Fabulous! is here!  I am officially 40!  I'm not crying...I'm not depressed...I am not dead!  So many things to be grateful for:

Happy Healthy kids - 3 of them
Happy Healthy marriage - 17 years and counting
Happy Healthy hubby - the best of the best

The rest...all of it...the weight, the anger, the self pity...I can deal with, I can get through it all because tomorrow is a new beginning.  We have no guarantees in life so I shouldn't spend the time I have feeling sorry for myself and only concentrating on the negative things.  It's just so much easier sometimes to think about how bad things are instead of how good they really are.  Most people would trade everything they have to have just one of the things I listed above and I have all three!

Today a colleague of mine reminded me that 4 years ago, when I was in a coma (yep, now you can say you know someone who was in a coma, and lived to tell about it) it was a very grave situation.  I needed to be reminded of that.  I need to remember all of that if for no other reason to appreciate where I am, what I have and to be so grateful that I am here to celebrate my 40th!!  Besides, I hear the best is yet to come!

Monday I began attempting to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 writing here might not happen too much.  The thing is, I know I can do it.  And I know it's time to tell my story...mark my words, one day you will see 'Treading Water' in hard back...I said it here first!

Happy Birthday to me!  Here's to the next 40 years!

love and hugs!


  1. I didn't realize you had a blog. What a great birthday message today and what a feat on the book. I understand that you are just supposed to crank it out until you are done and don't stop to worry about anything except getting it on paper! The editing/review is the LAST thing and that takes place when your story is down even if it takes 60k words! I'm excited for you and totally feel supportive. Go girl!


  2. I wish I knew who wrote that above...let me know who you are!!

  3. OOPS...just saw your name! Thanks Yvette!
