This is me...

Hey there! So glad you landed upon my little blog spot on earth! I'm trying to keep it real and hold myself accountable and figured venturing out into the public just might do the trick! So follow me...I can only promise that I will be honest, brutally honest most of the if you don't like that, then move on! And if you choose to stay...glad you found me! Join me on the adventure of my's the NEXT forty years of my life...if the first forty is any indication of the next...well, it will be interesting to say the least...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Not much to say....

I don't feel good today.....I haven't really felt good all week!  I don't know what is wrong, but whenever my stomach hurts, I feel like the bottom is going to fall out.  Almost dying does that to a person!  I am so nauseated and feel so bad.  I try to blow it off...keep working...keep writing...keep going.  But, in the back of my head I it a hernia?  Is it blockage?  Nothing is ever as simple as it really seems.

Simple surgery goes bad.  People end up in comas and in the hospital for six months.  No?  You think not?  Hmmmm, well then we haven't met!  I know this happens because it happened to me!  And whenever I feel bad...I'm scared too death something will be wrong...I will need surgery and I will have to make a with the nausea, live with the pain or take my chances with a surgeon!

See...when you sign all that paperwork that you HAVE to sign before you can have surgery...and they gloss over the risks....the 1 to 4% chance that something bad will happen.  Bad things do happen.  Things do go wrong...and people can die! 

I didn't die....I was lucky.  But the minute I don't know what is wrong with me I begin to do you trust someone who almost killed you?  I don't mean that I would ever go back to HER again...but I just have a fear of doctors in general.  And the one doctor I trust with my life...because he saved it in Fargo, ND!  UGH!!

Sometimes it seems like it's just too much asking to feel better.....

love and hugs!

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